As a result of several castings the Pari productions pool of talented artists of all kind grew through the years.
Some of our castings where covered by TV-stations (like NDR) or magazines like “Bild der Frau” and we plan further castings for our BollyDance Company especially for male dancers. Applications by mail are welcome. (Link).
Casting for Bollywood Film Industry in Cooperation with " Ever India "
Working for Bollywood!!!
We are looking for 4 female dancers as soon as possible for Bollywood movies and dancing jobs. You are an experienced dancer, around 165-170 cm, maybe blond and would love to work in India for 6 months - and have the neccessary vaccinations and a valid passport?
If you´re interested and want to know more - Send us a eMail at
Please provide us with a short curriculum vitae, video link and some actual pictures (one with Make Up, one without, one full body and one dancing picture).
We are looking forward to hearing from you.

In December 2013 Pari- Productions casted for the Bollywood film industry and searched blonde dancers for india contracts.
The Castings were accompanied by the Hamburger Abendblatt.

Pari production did the casting for the german movie "Kaiserschmarrn". 40 dancer were casted out of 100 applicants. The shooting of the trailer was finished in october 2012, and the shooting for the movie ist estimated for 2013. Members of the jury for the casting were: Tatjana Wegner, Tobias Galke, Sebastian Deyle, Andreas Knuffmann. Producers are:Sebastian Deyle ( Hauptrolle ) und Andreas Knufmann ( Boomerang Films Productions ). Photos by: Carsten Thun and Udo Toetzke.
• „ DISHKIYAON“ - Bollywood film with Hermann Baweja in 2012.
Once again Pari Productions worked togehther with the producer of "Aap Ka Suroor" Vivek Singhania and took part in the casting for his new film „DISHKIYAON“. Recent Shootings of the film with Hermann Baweja take place in Mumbai.

• Frequent visits in Mumbai and cooperation with the Bollywoodindustry showed, there is a big request for European artists in Indian productions. Therfore Pari Productions decided to work in Goa near Mumbai. Between january 17th and march 17th Pari Productions organized workshops for BollyDance and castings customized for the Bollywoodindustry. It was an ideal opportunity to find the contacts to Bollywood in combination with sunny days in Goa. The castings were an success and confirmed the strategy of Pari Productions. Many filmproductions are also based in Goa which made it easier to place artists of Pari Productions and this approach was acclaimed by the Bollywoodindustry.The members of the jury were Tatjana Wegner, Sissi Perlinger, Marianne Borgo, Manoj Srivastava and they were able to see a lot of interesting artists, who became part of the pool of Pari Productions. Further Castings of this kind will be organized in future.

• In this year the "Bollywood Dance Contest" was embeded for the first time in the biggest Bollywoodfilmfestival outside of India. "Bollywood and beyond" was from the 21 to the 25.07.2010 at the SI-Center Stuttgart and was organized by the Filmbüro Baden-Württemberg. Together with the patroness Loona ( known as a judge of Popstars ) and Manisha Koirala, Tatjana Wegner was appointed as a judge for the dance-contest. The contest was announced for dance groups and the price was an exclusive presscoverage by the German Bollywoodmagazine ISQH and some prize money. The winners of this Dance Contest was the group „ Dahdkan Punjab Di“ ! more information

• Bollywood in Hamburg – early summer 2010 the shortfilm "Crazy in Love" was shot by Ali Hakim and Peter Oldak. Similar to the Indian feature films love is the main topic. 12year old pupil Sanju falls in love with the replacement teacher Miss Blumenberg. Like in Bollywood he sings about his love which is followed by various dance-sequences. Unfortunately he has a rude awakening of his daydream. Pari Production was responsible for the casting and Tatjana Wegner did the choreography for this shortfilm.

• In the second part of the successful german children`s movie “Witch Lilli 2 – A Trip to Mandolan” Llli travels to Mandolan the fantastic “indianlike”country to fight for the true king. To her arrival there will be a big celebration in the coronation hall of the palace including a “Bollywoodlike” dancescene of 10 to 12 dancers.Pari productions organized a casting and found the right dancers who took part at the takes in Babelsberg Studios (September 2009). The entire dance crew involved dancer from Hamburg, Berlin and Bombay and the film will be released in Februar 2011.
Indian Circus Show – a new stageshow "India India"

• Pari production was also responsible for the casting of the “India India" Show which had its premiere in december 2009. It was followed by a European tour. This colourful and exotic circus event was produced by the creators of “Afrika!Afrika!”which was also a worldwide success. The “India Circus Show” provided an incredible insight to the mystic and sparkling culture of India. Therfore it was necessary to find indian/asian artists, dancers and singers and Pari Productions found this staff.

• Pari Casting Agency and the Indian film industry Pari Casting Agency carried out the casting for the Bollywood production “Aap Kaa Surroor". This movie was the first major Indian film production in Germany. The shooting took place in March 2007. Gallery • Since 2008 we have held more and more castings for film productions. As a result, we now have many great new artists in our database. Pari Productions coordinated the castings for the Indian Lounge in 2004 at the Bambi Award Celebration as a partner of "Loerke Communication" in Hamburg. • Some of these castings were covered by NDR TV channel or the magazine „Bild der Frau“. Further castings for the Pari Casting Agency (particularly for male candidates) are in the planning stage. Because of the big interest applications by mail are accepted. Link