Therapeutic ballet ...
The technique of classical ballet consists of fixed, structured and ordered forms. Contrary to the more general conventional ideas that result from this, these can lead to physical security, centering and stability, and thus contribute to strengthening self-confidence. In this seminar, basic forms of ballet are taught, creating the basis for your own creative expression with the topics that are contained in these basic forms of ballet. Such as the grounding in the Plié, the centering in the Passé, the balance in the Arabesque and the height in the jumps. Individual improvisations, partner work, as well as circle dances and sequences of a dance theater based on them are included. For all people with and without previous dance knowledge who want to find a new approach to ballet in this special way.
Meeting: 27-28.04. 2024
täglich 12 -17 Uhr mit eine Pause
Who can take part?
For all people with and without previous dance skills who want to find a new approach to ballet in this special way
How can I participate?
Participation only after prior registration
Where does the workshop take place?
Hof Warderdamm ( Kreis Segeberg )
Es besteht eine Möglichkeit im Hof zu übernachten
250,00 € (inkl. MwSt)
Meeting: 04-05.05. 2019
daily 12 p.m. - 5 p.m. with a break
Who can take part?
For all people with and without previous dance skills who want to find a new approach to ballet in this special way
How can I participate?
Participation only after prior registration via
Where does the workshop take place?
LoCura (Max-Brauer-Alle 72) in Hamburg
250,00 € (inkl. MwSt)